The “Dogboy Adventures” series by Bill Meeks follows Bronson Black, alias Dogboy, as he navigates the complexities of life as an orphaned superhero in his new home of Colta City. Beyond battling the Guild of Thieves, his nasty Uncle Randolph, and the school bully, Dogboy uncovers deep-seated corruption, faces personal dilemmas, and explores mysterious locales like the eerie Curleyworld. Each story intertwines Bronson’s naive ideas of justice with personal growth, new friends and enemies, and a mission to uncover his late father’s secrets that challenge his understanding of right and wrong, loyalty, and his own identity.
Enter a world where magic, mystery, and morality intersect. Dogboy Adventures is a tapestry of hidden truths and moral quandaries, set against the backdrop of a friendly magic shop and an ever-expanding group of Colta Citizens who support Dogboy/Bronson as he explores his new home, magical powers, and his father’s murky and magical past.
Sometimes the murder isn’t the mystery.
Dogboy, Colta City’s youthful guardian, faces a twisted mystery when local businessman Dexter Stonehouse is murdered. The plot thickens as Bronson’s investigation leads him to a shocking revelation: an old family friend may be entangled in this web of deceit and illusion. As secrets unravel, Bronson must confront the painful truths of his past and decide how much he’s willing to risk to uncover the real story behind the Stonehouse’s death. As the shadows of deceit and betrayal grow, Bronson Black must navigate a treacherous path that tests his heroism and heart. Amidst the turmoil, Dogboy’s trusted friend Cindy McNeil’s secret mission against City Hall intertwines their destinies, challenging Dogboy’s beliefs and loyalties. This gripping tale weaves suspense, mystery, and action, demanding to know: How far will Dogboy go for justice?
Welcome to the place where dreams come true.
Dogboy, Colta City’s magical champion, along with his girlfriend Cindy McNeil, ventures into the mystical and abandoned Curleyworld amusement park. There, they meet a group of children who’ve made the park their home and the mischievous Willowood. Ride a rollercoaster of adventure where the attractions of Curleyworld spring to life, hiding a dark secret Dogboy is destined to uncover. From thrilling rides like the Psychlotron to a clownish confrontation on the coaster Demon’s Dare, Dogboy and Cindy find themselves in a race against time to help the Colta City Shadows and expose the truth behind Willowood’s magical plan. Their journey is a test of bravery, friendship, and the power of legacy, as they battle the resurfaced Guild of Thieves and face mystical challenges that could change Colta City forever.
It’s the end of the world as he knows it.
In “Eye of the Scarab,” the stakes are higher than ever for Dogboy, also known as Bronson Black. Tasked with spying using a mystical scarab device, he learns the hard truths about privacy, trust, and betrayal. As Colta City teeters on the brink of chaos, Bronson, entangled in a web of deception involving his closest allies and haunting Lovecraftian monsters, faces a critical lesson: the real danger sometimes lies in the secrets we keep from our friends. This thrilling installment not only dives deep into the heart of spying ethics but also challenges Bronson to confront his own mistakes and the complex nature of friendship and heroism. Will he learn from them, or will the Eye of the Scarab spell the end of Dogboy’s innocence? As ancient doors open to otherworldly realms, Dogboy and Cindy McNeil stand on the brink of the unknown, battling Lovecraftian monsters and unraveling dark secrets. With the fate of their city and their lives hanging in the balance, they confront not only physical dangers but also the deep, personal fears that threaten to tear them apart.
When a podcaster gets hired as a consultant on a reboot of his favorite 90s TV show DOGBOY ADVENTURES, he fights to make the sequel the fans have been waiting for.
NOTE: While this isn’t a Dogboy book, it does include most of the planned plot elements of the unreleased final Dogboy book Dogboy: River of Time, and addresses a lot of the same themes. Fanboy is one of several screenplays and TV pilots I’ve written for my Everly Heights universe.
Dogboy XL LoRA for Stable Diffusion
Dogboy XL unlocks the world of Bronson Black, a.k.a. Dogboy, and his thrilling adventures in the nostalgic town of Colta City, locked in a perpetual state of nostalgia by the mysterious, mischievous Willowood. Dogboy’s world is filled with magic and adventure, and you can breath new life into his story with Stable Diffusion.