Meeks Mixed Media Demo Reel (2012)
A demo reel to promote my freelancing business Meeks Mixed Media, featuring 2D/3D animation and motion graphics work.
A demo reel to promote my freelancing business Meeks Mixed Media, featuring 2D/3D animation and motion graphics work.
Take a journey with me and Bryan Lunduke as we explore his past as a BBS Sysop and find out why Bulletin Board Systems are still relevant today.
Learn about the Sock Puppet, e-mail scams courtesy of Bill Gates, catch up on your chat jargon, and find out which Internet Service provider works best for you… if you still live in 1996.
We explore the strange case of time-traveling troll John Titor (voiced by Tom Merritt), finish our cliff notes version of Internet History in A Brief History of the Internet, and honor the memory of internet pioneer Paul Baran.
We cover the Great Internet Blackout Protest of 1996 and solicit compensation for an unsung hero of the early web.
The Bert is Evil phenomenon and the 12 commandments of BBS Users.
To know where the Internet is going you have to know where it’s been. Strap on your Chrono-Belts, time cadets. It’s time to take a trip… to the OLD WIDE WEB!
I chat with Roberto about my trip to Jakarta, Indonesia to shoot Scam School.
In my very first guest appearance, I chat with Roberto about my theatrical past as a Phantom in Rocky Horror.
Check out my rejected pitch for a reboot of THE TICK. SPOON!