Was There a Guffman?
Did Guffman actually exist, or was he the invention of a man who’d stop at nothing to get his big break?
Did Guffman actually exist, or was he the invention of a man who’d stop at nothing to get his big break?
This week we’re talking about coffee. We’ll pop open the Lunch Box and guzzle down a gallon or two.
Anne Marie tries to grind whole coffee beans without a grinder. Will she succeed? Guess you’ll have to watch the video to find out!
This week we’re talking about the Disney Renaissance with our guest expert David Crow.
This week we’re talking about fear. PLUS: We wind up the Music Box to share our favorite scary songs and review 1996’s “Scream”.
This week we’re talking about vacations, including National Lampoon’s Vacation!
This week we’re talking about cookies. Mmm mmm. PLUS: We take to the stage in Box Theater to ask “Whatever Happened to the Cookie Crook?”
In this comedic sketch, we go to a government employment center to find out what happened after the Cookie Cop after Chip the Dog pushed him out.
This week we’re talking about retro tech. PLUS: We’ll open the Tool Box and show you some cool resources to access the Old Wide Web.
A poem about my first creative obsession, the ZZT game engine from Epic Megagames.