(Wonderland S01E13) – Jafar goes sadistic now that magic is broke. Daddy dies, Ana doesn’t, Jabber gets a good poke. Amara agrees to take a quick swim so evil won’t triumph and Alice will win. Many loose ends gets tied in a knot… the end of the story, the wrap of the plot. Happy endings abound. The cheese we forgive. We say goodbye to Wonderland in this week’s episode “And They Lived…”. We are joined by listener Christine Xu.
A tale she lived once upon a time…
Show Notes
Michael Socha set to join ‘Once Upon a Time’ as series regular
This Week’s Audible Recommendations:
Dogboy: Danger on Liberty Pier by Bill Meeks
Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde (thanks to Stephanie for the recommendation)
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